Get qualified leads

Build a digital presence

Increase your revenue

We handle all the marketing for your small home improvement

business, following our unique VISIONARY method.

You only have to provide the best service out there.

3 Steps for your success

#1 Discovery

We engage in a conversation with you to understand your objectives.

Next, we assess your existing social media footprint, determining the optimal approach to tailor your digital marketing strategy.

#2 Customized Solution

We create a customized marketing solution, based on your home improvement business.

You might need Google or Facebook Ads. You might need automations. You might need social media posting.

We understand and can handle it all!


Now, we launch the customized solution, following the VISIONARY method. Not long after our testing period, leads will be coming in hot!

Rest assured, we vet and qualify each lead, sparing you the need to expend your valuable operational resources.



Our proven VISIONARY method ensures a consistent flow of leads and a strong digital presence for your business especially if it is in the niche of architecture and interior design studios.

Our proven VISIONARY method ensures a consistent flow of leads and a strong digital presence for your business especially if it is in the niche of architecture and interior design studios.

(On our introduction session, you will receive a guide with detailed steps that you can follow on your own)

(On our introduction session, you will receive a guide with detailed steps that you can follow on your own)

The Visionary Approach

Optimized Visionary Approach

Value Proposition

Clearly define your unique value proposition to attract the right customers.


Ideal Customer Profile

Develop a deep understanding of your ideal customer to target your marketing efforts effectively.


Strategic Content

Developing content that resonates with the target audience is a key driver of engagement.


Inbound Marketing

This is the engine that propels qualified leads toward any business.


Outbound Marketing

Outreach strategies that go beyond mere communication build relationships by addressing individual needs and preferences.


Nurture Leads

Crucial for guiding prospects through the sales funnel. Ensure that leads receive timely and relevant information.


Analyze and Adjust

Being data driven can be the only way to enhance your lead generation. You can't change what you don't measure.


Research Constantly

Either lead the market or be led. There is no other way around that.


Yield Results

Dedicated focus on results and celebrating success stories is essential for any business.

Our strategy is unparalleled in its effectiveness, specifically designed to generate a consistent flow of high-quality leads for interior design studios. This approach goes beyond the traditional reliance on just Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or Google ads, and extends far beyond the common practice of simply posting content weekly. The key to our success is the VISIONARY method—a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach that integrates various platforms and strategies, ensuring exceptional results.

Why choose US?

DeqVision is the agency, specialized in

digital marketing and leads outreach

We've helped small business owners in the home improvement niche, by generating leads for them through digital marketing and then qualifying those leads by reaching out directly.


  • AVERAGE lead generation results

  • Works with all kinds of niches

  • Blames bad results on low budget

  • Hands you the leads and their job ends there

  • Doesn't think about your overall business strategy

  • Getting leads is never a problem

  • We focus on the home improvement niche

  • We understand you may not have a high budget

  • Leads get qualified by a call/email/SMS from us

  • There is a bigger picture - it's not only marketing

Case Study #1


Market: Bulgaria

Revolutionising interior design lead generation with Facebook funnels

Driving Client Acquisition and Brand Growth through Strategically Developed Facebook Ads

Facebook Funnels | Visionary Method | Facebook Ads | Google tag manager

The Challenge

NH Design Studio struggled with generating a consistent pipeline of leads and had difficulty finding clients online. Previously, their client base grew primarily through word-of-mouth referrals. Additionally, NH Design Studio had never run ads on Meta platforms, starting from scratch, despite having a well-developed social media presence.

Our Solution

We implemented a comprehensive funnel structure on Facebook, strategically targeting the exact audience with well-crafted ads that directed potential clients to the designer’s website. We focused on capturing high-quality traffic through special custom events. Following this, we created custom audiences and targeted them at the bottom of the funnel to convert them into potential clients. This was achieved by encouraging them to complete a detailed form about their design needs and project specifics.

The Impact

Our efforts resulted in over 37 leads within just 40 days of starting our collaboration. The standout statistic of this strategy was not just the number of leads but the rapid acquisition rate. Additionally, the click-through rate (CTR) was 3.19%, surpassing industry averages and significantly boosting brand visibility and engagement.

Previous & Current Partners

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process to start working with you?

After only 2 meetings we will be able to understand your business and gauge the effectiveness of our services. Within approximately two days, we can know if our collaboration will be possible.

What are your prices?

Because each business has its own unique needs, our pricing is customized according to the project's complexity and scope. Contact us at

[email protected], and will give you a detailed price estimate.

When the results will start coming?

Typically results start to hit around the 3-6 months after you start working with us.

What do you do exactly?

Our primary focus is on executing a comprehensive digital marketing transformation for businesses, integrating various digital marketing tools to establish a reliable stream of qualified leads.

Do you work with clients across the globe?

Yes, although our headquarters are in Europe, we serve clients worldwide and operate in almost every region across the globe.

How do you measure results?

We will lay down a list of key points which are important for your business and we will be always guided by them.

Our Values

Results - Driven

Getting results for your business is the most exciting part of our job

Open Communication

We believe in overcommunication, rather than keeping you in the dark


Digital marketing changes each week and we are on top of each change


We always act with integrity and expect the same from our clients

Book a free introductory session now:

Goal of the session?

1. Give you free advice

2. Share our unique VISIONARY method guide

  1. nderstand if we can help with your business growth